Children's Miracle Network Charity Poker Tournament

Join me for the 3rd annual Torch Relay 5kk walk in the Denver Tech Center to benefit Children's Hospital on Tuesday, October 18! To sign up and for more information visit

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Cleanse

I came across this cleanse before my wedding last year and decided it may be time to start it up again. I followed this detox plan for 12 days a couple of weeks ago and I am continuing again starting today. As I prepare for yet another wedding season this helps me feel (and hopefully look) amazing. I am less bloated, tired and heavy feeling. I also love that it is all natural. Everything I eat is really good for me. It takes about a week to get used to planning every meal & snack you eat but it is worth it. You HAVE to plan ahead to keep on track! You will notice that you have a feeling of being full however you will most likely be craving certain foods. I keep clementines, apples and nuts on hand so I can snack if needed.

Here is the website:

I do modify this a bit. I allow myself one cup (grande size) coffee a day however I switched from adding cream and sweet-n-low to a bit of soy/almond/coconut milk and stevia. I actually like stevia better because it is a less powerful sweetener. The last time I did cut out dairy which I noticed made me feel even better. I think there is something to that idea of humans being lactose intolerant...

One grain that I took advantage of eating was quinoa. I made a huge batch of this with onions, garlic and green onions and ate it with baked organic chicken breasts for most of my lunches.  For dinner one night I stuffed a poblano pepper with the quinoa and baked in the oven for 20 minutes (broil for the last 1 minute to crisp up the top).

I have also become addicted to Larabars. They are a yummy combo of fruit and nuts usually ranging from 3-7 ingredients and are very filling. They are also a Denver based company, yahoo!

 Some other restaurants I was able to get a great meal from during the cleanse were TAG RAW BAR (Larimer Square, Denver) and Mod Market in Glendale. Both use fresh, local ingredients on their menus and are a great way to not get sick of the same old chicken & veggie meals.

Endive Salad
Walkway on Larimer Square

Mod Market
I recommend the Thai Coconut salad

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